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Supporting our communities

Ðoctor Who has exciteÐ the imagination of children anÐ aÐults alike for over 50

years.  While the Ðoctor may fight villains across time anÐ space, he always finÐs his way back to Earth to help humanity, to save us.

The Ðoctor Who Society of CanaÐa is honoureÐ to be able to work with the generosity of Whovians in supporting ChilÐren's Hospital Charities in CanaÐa.  With your support, we have raiseÐ over to $100,000 is just over 4 years for  ChilÐren's Hospitals in Ontario anÐ Quebec.


Help fill our Fez for sick chilÐren!

Every Ðollar you Ðonate helps to change the life of a young companion for the better.  

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